Friday, January 27, 2012

These shears, they do cut through bone, yes?

A wonderful quote from Dee, and a picture of everyone

I'm sitting here watching G4's Attack of the Show (YAY!!) and thinking about how to kill people. Not seriously of course, I just have to look serious enough to win without fighting. I got this.

You wanted to know why? Oh, you don't really care? Too bad! I'm telling you anyway.

Just over a month ago my car was broken into at my apartment. ON MY OWN TURF! That was enough for me. My car is my baby and I am horrified that some dumbass had the balls to break into my car. There. Will. Be. Blood. I may be a girl, but I NEVER lose a game of chicken. I am tougher than I look. Besides, I'm loon enough to believe if I can control a pack of 30 dogs at once or win a battle against a horse, I can take on some stupid punk kids. (The horse is fine, I would never hurt a horse.)

Just don't tell the cops if they ask if you saw this!

Aside from plotting a West Side Story style take down, this weekend will be spent catching up on homework. Normally, not a big deal, but I have a group project I have to finish by Sunday. I told my group I could easily analyze any reading but one so they responded like a minute later like "Great, you can do that one reading that you just said you never actually read. Have fun!". Of course, it was a little nicer than that, but still. The only one I said I didn't read well. Maybe if I hadn't said anything I'd have gotten a good one. Dang it!

This weekend will not be fun at all. But, if all goes well, I will catch up enough to start playing Xbox again or even read for fun! Oh the idea is so exciting. So, until then, work work work!

I don't know what show this is, but I don't care. That's EXACTLY what I look like.

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