Wednesday, January 25, 2012

If you want friends, don't use words like conundrum

Another Simpsons quote? Why not! It's my favorite!
 "Don't use words like conundrum."

*Thinks back to previous post*

Crap! Clearly that's my problem! I'm sure it has nothing to do with leading a busy life and constantly smelling like dogs (as well as being covered in fur), it's because I used that darned awful word. >.<*
Thank you, Bart. I only wish I'd seen the most recent episode sooner!

Speaking of episodes, I just want to share with you guys, that I FINALLY felt smart the other day. Why? Because I caught not one, but TWO errors in the show The Big Bang Theory. (Just for the record, apparently I've really started to like that show. I don't know why, considering I used to hate it, it was just on all the time, and one thing led to another...) Anywho, luckily as a psychology student/dog trainer there are a few things I know about reinforcement/operant conditioning the writers of the show do not know! Woot!

Listen closely and you too shall know the secrets of Skinner. (B.F., not Principal.)

B.F. Skinner after 'Animagus Transfiguration'
 There are two types of reinforcement as well as punishment. Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement are both good things. Ergo, negative reinforcement IS NOT punishment. Negative reinforcement is rewarding someone by taking away something negative (like homework or chores or veggies). I'm sure you are aware positive reinforcement is giving something positive (like 'peas and carrots' JellyBeans), and punishment is well, discipline. Positive reinforcement is the MOST effective of all of these methods. (You know the old cliché, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar-I don't know if it's true, I've only had experience with fly paper, but that sure as Hell works.)

So, until I watch the Big Bang Theory again and practically drown in confusion like I do in nearly every other episode, I will enjoy feeling like an edumacated college student. And they said a degree in psychology would be useless...

Honestly? It's way past bedtime and I got tired of looking at screenshots of The Big Bang Theory, so I settled. Problem?

Nighty-night, and for your sake I hope you're not the first person I see tomorrow morning,
Kayla, Lana, and Link

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