Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Me fail English? That’s unpossible!

Taken from here. I love the Simpsons. English class is just so-so.

Why is this today's quote? Because I'm skipping class. Once again, the youth of America is rebellious and lazy. But not really, I'm sick. Or the weather is killing my sinuses. I'm not sure which to be honest, but I skipped one class last night and two today (I still went to work though). I've felt icky for a few days (icky being the technical term for 'sneezy, coughy, headachey, dizzy symptoms').

There is a bright side though. I may feel unpleasant, but Link is feeling better. He is getting better about taking his pills and his wound seems to be healing pretty nicely. It still looks icky (see definition two-'open wound, possibly bleeding or emitting ick'; ick-'blood, puss, or other substances better left inside the body').

Link and Lana came with me to doggie daycare today where they got to play with the dog my boss is fostering as well as most of our customer's dogs. They are now dead tired (but not dead). In fact Link fell off the couch right onto Lana. It's a darn good thing she's got a soft spot for the little fellow or she'd have kicked his butt. They actually go together like, well, peas and carrots.

Where can I buy this?!
I almost used a cute tattoo of a pea pod and a carrot holding hands, until I saw this. This looks delicious! In case that's too small for you to read, it's orange sherbet (ʃɜ:ʳbɪt in IPA or "sure-bit" in my lazy way of explaining pronunciations)* and green apple flavored. What an awesome idea!! By the way, you can find the source of this picture and some other really nifty stuff here.

*My dad insists it's sher-bet with no invisible 'r'. He would have been unhappy if I didn't take a moment to bring it up while we were on the subject.

Oh snap! I just read that link and it looks like this flavor will be released next month! Keep your eyes peeled friends!

Oh dear, it seems I've gotten myself off track. I suppose that's just as well, I have a test tomorrow and I really ought to study, I just felt silly for slacking on the blog yesterday. Part of my New Year's Resolution was to write, draw, or exercise every day, and this blog was the easy way out. I'll make another post about New Year's Resolutions at some point, when I don't have a test lurking in the near future. (Like when I graduate?)

I will leave you on the best note possible, not some ramblings about my first world problems. So, without further ado, here you go!

We can dance if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don't dance
And if they don't dance
Well they're no friends of mine

Dance if you want to,
Kayla, Lana, and Link

P.S.-I could have gone JLo, Usher, or *God forbid* Lady Gaga, but I figured you just can't beat Men Without Hats.

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