My Dogs

Past and present fosters and my sweet girl, Lana.

Lana, my dog (age-1.5 years)
I got Lana in February of 2011, as a sort of Valentine's Day gift to myself. (Yes, yes, forever alone.) I had scheduled appointments to meet her one day and a beautiful Border Collie named Ferris the next. To be honest, I thought I was going to take Ferris home, but as soon as we met Lana (then Spot), my parents and I knew she was the one. She was mellow, precious, and so sweet. We took her home the next day and that night brought her to Petco to get her first collar, leash, and toys. She was four months old at the time. Now she is far from mellow, but she has grown up with me and our personalities mesh perfectly. I couldn't imagine a better fit for me!

Desi, my parents' dog (age, 14 years)
 My family adopted Desi from a shelter twelve years ago, when I was just eight. She was gentle on me because of my age. The shelter workers said she lived in a run with a puppy (not her own), and that she always let the puppy eat before she would (despite being very food motivated). She would have made a great mother, but she certainly made an amazing sister to me and my sister. She was my best friend growing up and to this day I love her and love when she gets to come up to visit Lana and me.

Link, my first foster (adopted March 3, 2012)
Link was my first foster dog, ever. He was initially a secret, because my parents did not want me fostering. I was nervous because Lana can be a butt at times, but I swear she loved him as much as I did. I think he was her favorite of all my fosters, and I'll admit he might have been mine too. His name is actually the only one I picked (at least so far), and he is the only dog so far that I have hand picked from the shelter. I loved his look, and his personality was even greater. He was challenging because he had an infection and was heartworm positive, but I felt like I did the most good with him. (On a side note, so far he is one of two housebroken fosters I was given, thank God for potty trained dogs!)

Gage (adopted May 2, 2012)
Gage was technically a temporary foster, but I did have him on a couple of occasions and they lasted several days each. He was originally my boss's foster, but she became a little overwhelmed when she was stuck with three at once, so I became back-up mommy. Gage had an intense little personality. He was loads of fun, very soft, and such a lap puppy!

Ranger (adopted April 11, 2012)
Ranger I had in my care for an even shorter period than Gage. He was the closest to Lana's size, and had a more mellow personality. They did less playing (though they did play) and more sleeping together. Ranger and Lana were actually a really cute couple! Ranger, like Link, was thankfully housebroken before I got him.

Banjo (adopted May 4, 2012)
Banjo was originally fostered by a customer, but she had to go out of town so I took over the job, even after she got back. Banjo was like a giant teddy bear; my coworkers and I would carry him around and hold him in our laps and he would be perfectly content just napping in our arms. Banjo played with Lana (though not as much as Link and Gage), but was best friends with Gage and my boss's Heeler, Kember.

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