Saturday, January 21, 2012

Exhibit A: A photograph of the victims, my bike and me.

The victims/stars of Pee-Wee's Big Adventure

Now this may shock you, but I'm at work right now. Blogging at work. The youth of America are lazy and rebellious.

  But I can say two things about blogging at work. The first, in my defense, there are NO customers right now (and I really hope it stays that way, I planned to read about Aristotle and Rhetoric today - no, absolutely not for fun). The second, I may not do this again. You see, I have what I have deemed the "piece of crap computer" at work. After way more than "just a few seconds" as google had falsely promised me, I installed the google chrome frame so I could work on this little blog. Every time I log on, I see an error with a bunch of computer mumbo-jumbo followed by the ominous warning: "expect more errors". It's absolutely right, I have been trained to expect the same error over and over again, since I have officially seen in 61,216,813 times today. I will not lie, the computer owns pwns me.

Anyways, as I am sitting here at work, I am awaiting the arrival of a girl who will angrily stomp in demanding we take her boyfriend off their lease because he isn't paying his share of the rent. Not because this happens all the time, but because, as the only Saturday employee (lucky me), I was left a warning note. I hope this warning isn't as serious as the internet one. The note I found on my desk this morning says to call my boss as soon as this girl comes in. "We will explain". That doesn't sound good to me. What is there to explain? There's nothing I can really do to help this girl, but maybe, just maybe I can help you. Please heed my warning, if you move in with someone you don't trust from the bottom of your heart, "expect more errors".

I have little experience living with others. One year in a dorm taught me. My "vegan" roommate stole more of my food than I ate. Unless of course, there really were people breaking into our room taking the food from under my bed. I don't buy it. Now I see this couple, younger than my boyfriend and I (who do not live together, but literally live next door to each other and have keys to each other's apartments-it's different, I swear!), who are having problems paying the bills.

I have come to the conclusion that if you do not completely trust someone, or already share all of your assets, you should not move in with them. They will steal from you. Whether it's poptarts or half the monthly rent, your roommate is highly likely to be a thief. Trust me and listen to my warning, friends. I am a leasing agent. This is what I do. But I do not take people off of leases without their legal permission. Sorry.

Trust me, this is what I do. (Enthusiastically)

Much love,
Kayla, Lana, and Link

P.s. Lana and Link steal from me all the time. Food, toys, receipts, pretty much anything they can get their little paws on. Don't say I didn't warn you!

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