Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cie-food. Cute.

Fun fact: I'm insanely excited about Final Fantasy XIII-2

I haven't finished the first FF XIII yet. It's not entirely my fault! I just got it for Christmas (I didn't own an Xbox until then), and I've been loaded with school work. And so far this weekend I am not focusing on school at all. However, I think after this week there should be less homework, which is excellent. I can steal my Xbox back from the bf and finish the game, just before the new one comes out at the end of this month! True, I still haven't finished FF X on my PS2, but that's okay. Now I'm sucked into this plot. I mean, I don't love every single character, at least not yet, but I like most of them, and I'm not gonna lie, I think Serah would be a good first cosplay. (It's not that weird of an outfit, which is great since I can barely sew toys Lana rips.) From what I can see of Lightning's outfit in FF XIII-2, I'll want to dress like that too. =P  Yes, I'm lame, but what's not to love? I love anime and video games, and I love fashion-from steampunk to couture. Cosplay just seems like the next logical step. Just as soon as I get the confidence to dress like that in public...

Actually my ambitious cosplay plans are the reason I joined the amazing workout website Fitocracy. It's kind of like a game. You earn points based on your workouts and you can complete quests, which are usually groups of exercises you have to do all at once. Quests get you extra points. Other people on the site are super supportive and there are little communities of people who like dogs, cosplayers, anime lovers, etc. It's a great site for motivation and support. It makes it just a little more fun to work out. Fitocracy gets a high recommendation from me.

See, a HIGH recommendation. That's why it's TWO thumbs up.

Much love and happy gaming,
Kayla, Lana, and Link

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