Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I don't know if it's because I'm too weak to do it, or if it's because I'm strong enough not to.

Why oh why did you disappoint me?!

I just can't decide. I've heard Legend of Korra looks awesome. If it was its own series, I would definitely try it. But I'm just so darn mad about how Avatar: The Last Airbender ended! SO MAD!! I was such a huge Zutara fan, and they screwed me over! I don't know if I can forgive them!

Even if it was a prequel! But Korra is based on the children of couples that I HATE! *sobs*

I just can't decide what to do.

Somebody tell me what to do!!

Also, I skipped class and am skipping work Friday. I feel guilty. And I feel sick because my diet is so bad it has passed the point of funny. Now it's just gross. I made cookies. I ate cookies. Now the sight of them makes me ill.   =(

Anyone want some cookies?

So, since I skipped class I'm doing school work. (Okay, I'm not, but I will! Right after this and after I research some more about bleaching my hair and then dying it pink. It seems nobody else likes the idea of me with pink hair. That makes me sad. Oh, are we still in parenthesis? I'll fix that!)
Also, I finished a 123 page thread on Coscom. I feel accomplished. If only I could finish more important things.

When I figure out my webcam, I'm dying to post a video or picture of my destroyed purse. Maybe you guys can help me figure out what to do with the fabric left. I can't stand the idea of just trashing it.

Much love,
Kayla (and Lana)

P.S. Fun fact, my boyfriend's name is Michael, and I'm Kayla (Kay). Michael and Kay. Like from The Godfather! I hadn't seen the movie before so I'm a little excited. I was happier about the Kayla from X-Men Origins, but I don't think the bf would be happy if I started calling him Logan. Even Wolverine might be too much.

I know I was kind of in and out with this short post. That's good though. I gotta go back to the real world for a while.  =(  Wish me luck!

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