Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Let’s just go to the mall and you can buy stuff and I’ll walk behind you and call you pretty.

Today's quote courtesy of Everybody Loves Raymond, which, along with Fresh Prince has been sending me on a wild nostalgia trip lately. I miss old Nick @ Nite. Now it's just TBS in the afternoon...

 I need this-to go to the mall and be told that I'm pretty. I have had a horrible week. I'll get into that soon. The first couple of paragraphs were written when times were not so dark, so I will not ruin that mood. I will pick back up on this after the dancing psychic.

While I have had a relatively productive weekend (my apartment is finally in livable conditions despite my near hoarding problem), I have spent many hours today watching hilarious .GIFs on the Cosplay.com forums (or: where I procrastinate). Apparently, nothing makes me want to dance more than watching .GIFs all day. Also, I keep expecting every cute thing that happens in real life to repeat indefinitely. It's kind of disappointing that they aren't.

So anyway, I was dancing around the house, trying to get my dog to dance with me. (She did a little, but not enough. Evidently I need human friends to dance with.) But I will let you know, my moves looked about as cool as:

Anyway, back to why this week has been full of suck. Reason number 1-I am lazy and tired of working and going to school. I am starting to get BURNED OUT! Reason 2-today I bent a nail. I don't know how, as my nails are hideously short, but it happened, and there was blood, pain, and a lot of whining. Reason 3-my dog ate my purse. Not just any purse, mind you, but my spring purse. It matched all the spring colors. Oh yeah, and it was Coach. Not knock off like my others. Legit. And now it's dog shit. Literally. And I AM using that word correctly. Reason 4-I adore my last foster, and he got adopted today. FML I didn't even get a goodbye hug. Today, I became a tearbending master.

I am a sad person right now. A sad person very mad at their roommate/dog.

I mean, I'm glad a couple of assignment deadlines were extended and one project completely taken off a class syllabus, but damn. Not worth the week I had. Not to mention I insisted my boyfriend and I go to Olive Garden to mourn our week of suck, but apparently it is not as delicious as I remembered. For $50. Right after I lost a designer purse. I feel sick. And not just because I eat chocolate when I'm sad.

Thank the lord the coscom forums make me feel better. I am no longer sobbing and throwing shit (this time not the literal shit). I feel better, but still depressed.

Must cheer up! Must just stop caring!

Let's hope, at least.

Much love,
Kayla  (Lana's still in deep shit-not literally this time either)

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