Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A boy's best friend is his mother.


So, tonight was one of those nights. It was well past midnight, well past when I should have been asleep, when I stepped into the shower. I went about my usual routine without a hitch, until I began to apply my daily conditioner. I leaned over and closed my eyes, to avoid fatal eye injuries from conditioner contamination (the leading cause of death among 20 year old females, I hear), when I heard a strange noise. Immediately I assume Stephen King's IT is about to grab my ankle and pull me into the drain (which has no stopper to save me). Then I think about Psycho, and then, finally, I think there might be a normal intruder. It is by far the most fear inspiring, though I guess not the more likely. Hooray for the most likely thing not being the worst case scenario!

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