Saturday, September 8, 2012

It was delicious! Everything was delicious…Everything was EXACTLY as delicious as everything else.

Apparently, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is on TBS in the mornings. Yay for reliving your childhood!

You know what's gross?
Melted bubble gum.
You know what I just ate?
If you guessed left over Chinese take-out, you were right. Also, if you guessed melted gum, you were right.

While we're talking about gross things, let me just mention the work load English majors have. No, it's not a hard major. Yes, sometimes people look down on me for being an English/Psychology major (without realizing I'm likely smarter than they are). But you know, we NEVER STOP! There's so much reading! And not reading fun things. You've got to keep in mind, I spend my free time reading, but it's fanfiction. It's far more interesting than "The Pioneers", and FAR shorter than "Moby Dick". Okay, okay. It's not just fanfiction. I read actual books, too. But still!

Futurama's version of Moby Dick was more compact than the original, and I bet it's more interesting, too.

This past weekend was the first weekend since school started again, and it didn't quite hit me fast enough that I didn't have time to actually enjoy my "free time". So while I did, indeed, enjoy it, I'm behind already. Not to mention, I'm exhausted. And I don't even have a foster dog right now!

I do want another foster, but I don't know when, or with what group. I'm considering joining a new rescue, but I'm not sure which one. There's a Golden Retriever rescue, a Collie/Sheltie rescue, an Aussie rescue, and a Husky rescue nearby. I'm graduating in like, 8 months though, so I have to make sure I don't accidentally sign up for something too long term.

I had just found myself a Pyrenees to take, but I'm getting kinda screwed over. Since I'm still a bit irritated about it, I'll save you the pain of another angry-Kayla-rant. (You're welcome.)

What I will do however is make a note of how awesome my boyfriend is. I swear, I get butterflies when he starts talking about how he doesn't understand how someone could possible cheat on someone else. And the fact that both he and I are out in the open about being pro gay rights (despite our families being a bit more old fashioned) is great. I love that he respects a woman's choice as her own. Not to mention, even though he doesn't LOVE me fostering, he doesn't stop me, and even helps me. Hell, he even fostered a dog on his own! He loves my dog like his own, and when I cry he hugs me and takes me either to Logan's (for their DELICIOUS rolls) or a fro-yo/ice cream shop. I may not always realize how great he is, but I really lucked out.

Clementine, my boyfriend's foster. Super sweet, it's no surprise she was adopted in a heartbeat.
While I hope to update one more time this weekend (since I now have Mondays off!), I will go ahead and end this post so I can move on with my life.

Much love,
Kayla and Lana

P.S. Did you recognize Lana is the picture? She's the black and white one in the background. Fun fact: the Boxer behind Clementine is her best friend.

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