Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are you online or just pouting?

Like your typical American student, I borrowed this from Wikipedia

So I have had bad car luck lately. I drove 4 hours home on Friday to spend the weekend with my parents, right after handing in my 7 weeks notice at my second job (I like to plan in advance). Not even 2 hours into the drive, I got my first speeding ticket. Boo!
During my stay at my parents' place, I washed and waxed Black Jack (my car) until he looked nice and shiny. On the drive back to school/my apartment, I hit a crap ton of bugs, several storms, and a fucking kamikaze rabbit. Or, something. I'm just guessing it was a rabbit. Normally, when I see dead animals on the side of the road, I feel really sad. I'm an animal lover, you see. But this time, I was just pissed. What stupid animal runs in front of the only damn car on the road? Especially when that car is going about 70 miles an hour? What the hell?! Let me just say, I'm a big believer in natural selection-survival of the fittest-Darwinism, whatever you want to call it. And that rabbit had to have been inbred or something if he was stupid enough to try what he did. Bad for the rabbit, bad for my car, but I suppose good for the future rabbit population.
Anyway, I realized today my bumper under tray thingie (obviously I'm not the mechanic type of girl) is busted. Like I can really afford to fix that! Add up my speeding ticket, my recent diagnostic blood work at the doctors, and whatever this bumper will cost me (or hopefully my insurance company), and I bet I'll be wishing I hadn't resigned from my second job.  =(

It may not look quite this bad, but this is how it felt. Damned suicidal wildlife.

Good news is I saved these guys some effort. It had to have been the were-rabbit.  It was huge, the Godzilla of rabbits!             

Onto brighter news...
I generally keep up with one kiddie, cartoon-y show at a time. My parents think it's stupid, but I love it. Okay, I guess I actually have a couple (if you count Naruto Shippuden). But that's not the point! It was Teen Titans (which I miss), then it was [the first] Avatar the Last Airbender (which I also miss), then Ben 10; now I guess I've adopted Young Justice. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty excited about it. I love comic book stuff, but I feel like I'm about 30 years too far behind to start reading any series, so this is the best I've got.  =/  And yes, I do bet it's more accurate than the recent blockbusters, but believe me, I watch those too.

If anybody ever asks, Robin is my favorite superhero. Ever. I like Batman too, but Robin/Nightwing? My love.

Oh! Forgot some less good news. In a previous post, I mentioned my desire to dye my hair pastel pink. In a compromise with my mother, who invited herself along to my salon appointment - but then paid for it, I got pink highlights instead. This involved dying my entire head of hair (I have too much natural red to look good with pink), bleaching strips, then highlighting them with Manic Panic Cotton Candy Pink.


I don't know what went wrong.

Was my amazing cosmetologist having a bad day?

Does Manic Panic actually suck?

Does my hair suck?

Well, strike that last question. Now it kind of sucks. It looked okay for a couple of days, but not anymore. I have to make a run to Sally's soon and buy some bleach and dye and just do it myself. I've watched a ton of video tutorials on how to do it, and for once I have the confidence to try something difficult myself. And, I must do it before school starts on Monday. That is my objective.

I suppose there is no point in lingering. Wish me luck with my hair and my car. I'll need it!

Much love,
Kayla, Lana, and Desi (my parents' dog, who I'm watching)

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