Friday, May 25, 2012

It's no mystery. I obviously have the flu coupled with sudden-onset Tourette's syndrome.

That's right, another Big Bang quote!

I was reading for class when I heard my dog making the strangest noises. I glanced over at her to see she was sitting by the door, a cloth publix bag sitting atop her head. I laughed out loud and the clown turned her head in my direction (I could tell despite her bag-helmet), and sat still for a moment, as if wondering what to do. Unfortunately, before I could snap a picture, she threw the bag from her head, pretending as though she hadn't been playing around like a kid in a refrigerator box.

I did get some other pictures to show off her dorkiness though. Enjoy!

Lana is the doofus on the right. She had hurt her paw, like, 5 minutes before the dogs' photo shoot, so she spent the entire time looking sad with her ears back and her paw hanging limp in the air. But the moment we changed the sets she was running around the room with a squeaky toy. Little ham. I think she takes after me.

On another note, I've found another dog I want to foster. My parents' dog will be going back home with them this weekend and I will have room! He's an Australian Shepherd named Fagan. He's beautiful. I e-mail my rescue today offering to foster if they are willing to pull, but even if they won't pull, I will find a way. You know how it is: you find one that you just fall in love with, and you'll find a way.

Fagan, from a shelter in the panhandle of Florida (Chipley)

So, now I am enjoying my first long weekend in a while (work is closed tomorrow and both work and school are closed on Monday!!). I am one happy girl. My parents are coming up for a couple of days, but I will be painting and playing video games and reading and playing with my fancy camera and riding my boss's horse and probably doing homework too. Oh, and that course I have to take because apparently if I get a speeding ticket they think I don't know how to drive. How wrong they are! If I sped without dying, I'm obviously quite good at driving!

I'll be back!
Kayla, Lana, and Desi

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