Sunday, November 11, 2012

We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?

One of my favorite quotes from Doctor Who AKA One of the best shows EVER. [Image source.]

I have a wonderful friend who works very hard in the "business" of dog rescue who convinced me to catch up on my fostering blog. Thus, this blog fell by the wayside. I'd save myself the trouble and combine them, but frankly I don't want to spam the people who just want to read about dogs with my personal geek crack. That's right, geek crack. And Pinterest contains my geek LSD, which actually sounds a lot more fun. I don't do drugs, but if I did...

Kidding. (Mostly.) *Mandatory "drugs are wack" statement.*

Anyway, if you WANT to check it out, it's a different DreamBigBarkLoudly. I know, I'm really creative. That's also my Tumblr and some of it is my Pinterest name. Yes, I'm the girl who finds something delicious at a restaurant and then orders the same thing every time.

So for those of you living under a rock, it's November. And a great November so far! Obama won (which I honestly do feel for about half the country who isn't excited, and will offer my condolences. I PROMISE the president does not actually have enough power to take the country down from the inside and destroy its moral fabric. Trust me. I took high school government. Checks and balances and whatnot.) And it's NaNoWriMo!! I've known about National Novel Writing Month (November, obviously) for years thanks to the fanficiton community.

Anyway, this year is the first year I've even been remotely successful in participating. Despite having a sad lack of free time, I'm further this year than any other year. How? Well I've written an outline! That's the skeleton of the novel! It doesn't matter that it sucks (I'm my toughest critic), it's still a step in the right direction.

I thought today was my lucky freaking day, too. I found a smashed smartphone on the ground. I'm an optimist, and I thought I could replace the screen and get a free phone, but alas, it won't work on my carrier. Still not a BAD day, but I still have to pay for a phone soon. Ah well. I didn't feel like I deserved that kind of incredible karma anyway. I would have owed the universe something, and I'm not one for debts.

Oh! And I found something amazing at World Market. I think I'll need to post a picture, because words can't describe it as well as the colorful cartoons on the box.

Do you see? Lana is so excited she's licking the dang box!

Cheddar.Bacon.Popcorn. Somebody actually invented this. And I couldn't not buy it! I'm so excited to try it. I don't even think I can wait for my mom to come up and visit (this seems right up her alley). I'll let you know how it goes.

However, now I gotta get going and try to catch up on my "novel". Or my homework. Whichever wins out. Let the battle begin!

Much love,
Kayla, Lana, and Sierra