Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I’ve had it with this school, Skinner. Low test scores, class after class of ugly, ugly children…

Source: via Kayla on Pinterest

Oh how I've missed blogging. Or have I missed procrastinating? Either way, it's good to be back! I'm finally done with midterms, though I'm still behind on homework. I'm gonna count that as a win. Because I'm an optimist.With a violent streak. Which is, apparently, possible.

I'm also kind of full of myself (what blogger isn't?). I keep looking at my Pinterest boards and thinking man, I am awesome. If you like nerdy stuff and superhero stuff, you might be interested in checking it out. Or if you're too cool, that's fine too. I don't really care.

My new foster dog is settling in very well. She is a sweet (possibly older) mix named Sierra.She's awesome, but it's starting to look like I'm going to have her longer than planned. Which isn't great. She eats a lot, and I'm on a budget.

It takes her so long to eat she has to lay down to do it.
So, my mother sent me a Halloween package, including costumes for the girls. They tried them on tonight, and I must say they are too cute!

Lana the butterfly

Sierra the flower
They are ready for our Halloween party next Friday, and so am I! Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. I always try to decorate and last year I even carved a pumpkin! Granted, it was the first pumpkin I had ever carved, so it didn't look as glorious as I imagined, but I am still rather proud of it. It was a wolf howling next to a tree. WAS. I carved the tree too thin and it broke off. My bad.  ^-^

I shall do better this time.

Oh and guess what! No guesses? Lame. I get to mark something off my bucket list!! Earlier this week, I purchased tickets to see Muse live in concert!! They'll be in Tampa towards the end of February, so my mum and I are going to our third mother-daughter concert! (My boyfriend has horrible taste in music, so I have to go with momma.) I'm past the angry teenage years, so it's really not that bad. I am super excited!

Muse isn't the only thing I'm looking forward to, though. I'm also pretty amped about MegaCon next year. (March maybe? Not sure, I need to look it up.) I found out recently one of my cousins (who lives in a different part of Florida) will be attending. This does two things, 1: perhaps I'll see her, and I haven't seen her in years, 2: it showed me there are at least four of us that are nerds deep down. That's pretty exciting to me. My immediate family always teased me rather not nicely about my taste in television, movies, books, etc., so it's nice to be in good company.

And, last but not least, I am about to make a large purchase. $80 for a hoodie. Now why would I spend that much on a hoodie? Because it is AWESOME. The designer is ordering a small batch and recommending people order in advance so their size is available, and I thought I'd be just a horrible person if I didn't share the opportunity with my fellow nerds.

The image links to the site where you order, if you're interested.
 This hoodie looks suspiciously familiar. Not in a copyright infringing way, of course, but in an awesome way. Do you see it? It looks a little like my favorite superhero. Any guesses who that is?

I'm ordering one tomorrow after I double check what size I am. (Something tells me this jacket isn't exactly for those of us with the XX chromosome, so I'm carefully measuring everything before I blow half a paycheck on this.) Anyway, if you want one, we can be twinsies. We'll never ever see each other, but that's okay. We'll be long distance twinsies.

Given that it is election season in the U.S., I will leave you on an awesome note.

I love my country. I love other countries too, but you know this is great.
Much love,
Kayla, Lana, and Sierra