Saturday, August 18, 2012

It takes a little time to get back into the swing of things.

 Very fitting quote, courtesy of The Dark Knight Rises.

I think it was Alfred who said that, but you have no idea how hard it was to post a picture that WASN'T Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He's just so good looking. He seems nice too. And funny. And perfect.....

So, I suppose I'm off my hiatus, if you want to call it that.

I've been spending my time online, just not on this blog. How sad.
I have, however, "discovered" Pinterest, Polyvore, and Tumblr. Not to mention I've seen a few movies, coughTHEDARKKNIGHTRISEScough, worked several extra shifts (to pay for those movies), and cared for my foster, Elvis. So, while I haven't been as productive as I should I have been, I've not WASTED my time too badly.

Also, I've been following the whole Chick-fil-a fiasco, and I have opinions. ((Oh wow, holy crap, a blogger with opinions? So shocking!))

Personally, I don't eat either. But I do have a copycat Chick-fil-a recipe I'm excited to try. Healthier, cheaper, and pro-equality. Yay!

I am very proud to be a human being who stands up for animal welfare, a straight woman who stands up for the right for homosexuals to marry, and a common person who stands up for common sense. I cannot patronize any business that donates money to hurt other people and limit the rights of their friends and neighbors. So this week I had to drive by Chick-fil-a, stomach growling, and ignore the constant nagging in my head about how yummy their food is. I can do better. (Unfortunately, I also boycott KFC in the name of animal welfare, so I have Zaxby's and Pop Eye's left. Please for the love of God - and yes I am Christian - do not ruin those for me!)

So, I am very curious to see what comes of this chaos. Thankfully, I follow the very hilarious George Takei on facebook, and being a gay rights activist he keeps me up to date.

Until then, I'll end this thought on a good note.


That was good. Saw it at the midnight premiere as well as the next night. (I am not anywhere near Colorado, though my heart goes out to the victims. As fellow Batman fanatics, I feel like "some of my own" were lost that night.)

Now, I have to run to work, I've had a couple of hectic weeks in a row, and thank goodness it's almost my birthday/mini vacation.

Much love!