Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Keep moving! Keep moving! Don't lose interest! One foot in front of the other and the next thing you know, you're running!

I know he's got extra legs in Camp Half Blood, but is it wrong to think it's funny the guy in the wheel chair says this quote? Anyway, yay Percy Jackson! I really must read those books.

Remember how I said I was going to foster that beautiful Aussie, Fagan? That wasn't true. Another rescue got dibs on him. But, that doesn't mean I didn't get someone! Everyone, meet Elvis!

Elvis was one of five dogs at a high kill shelter confiscated from their owner and held in quarantine for a cruelty case. (Apparently, 14 dogs total were involved, but I only heard of five being at the shelter. No clue what happened to the others.) All five dogs had just five days to find rescue or adopters or they would be put to sleep. Every single one was saved!

Elvis, originally named Blue, came to me on Saturday around noon. He was dirty and stir crazy from being locked in a kennel for more than a month without setting foot on grass! When he and Lana first me, they wanted to play right away, but, much to my dismay, because he was only neutered Friday, Elvis still has too much testosterone and was crushing pretty hard on Lana. She doesn't put up with that. (That's my girl!)

They've had a few squabbles, but I think they should be fine. Elvis behaves awesome in a crate and so far hasn't destroyed anything or peed inside (knock on wood!). Tomorrow I'll take him to the store and buy him a collar.

Tomorrow's going to be busy. I'm not excited. Tons of homework, my first day volunteering at a local wildlife sanctuary, my first full day with Elvis, and spending time with the bf.

It's unfortunate that I have just too much to do. This post has taken several days to write. I have two and a half weeks of my super crammed six week semester left, and there's a least one paper due every Friday from now on. If you guessed that I haven't started this week's yet, you're right.

Oh dang, update. I had said that after Elvis was adopted, I would take one of two different dogs already in the rescue, either Shia or Jake. Turns out Shia can't handle stairs due to recovery from hip surgery (and my apartment has no elevator) and apparently Jake was put to sleep. If I hadn't saved Elvis, Jake would be alive. But then Elvis might not be. And if I hadn't saved either, both would probably be dead. Not to mention, pretty much all that's left to foster after Elvis is gone is either pit bulls or bulldogs. I'm just not a bully breed fan. I won't stop others from getting them, but I don't want one. I like Spitzes and herding breeds and spaniels and retrievinig breeds and.......  But, no sense in worrying about that now. Maybe I'll take a cat or something. We'll see.

I've also cut my finger. It slows me down just a little. For some reason it bleeds quickly, for a pretty small cut.

Last thing before I have to go and work: I will possibly start a second blog (linked from this one) for people who want to hear about my dogs but don't really care about my personal life. It's okay, I understand. I'm not horribly insulted. I mean, I think you're an idiot, because my personality is awesome, but it's cool. If I do, I'll post it from somewhere conspicuous on here. No, to go write papers about the least linear books in history. (Nadja, Mumbo Jumbo, Vas: An Opera in Flatland. Yay college level English!)

Much love,
Kayla, Lana, and Elvis (even though lana and Elvis are actually asleep)