Monday, April 30, 2012

We've also got less popular "Nobody Poops But You".

Prepare yourselves, something amazing has happened. Twice now, I've fostered young puppies with tiny bladders, and it's driving me insane. You see, I live in an apartment, so I can't take the dogs out without getting dressed and walking down a hall with tons of neighbors who spend all day sitting in front of their peephole, judging me. So, understandably, it bugs me to have to go out every few hours. But today, today my foster puppy Banjo (I didn't name him, that's not my style, but I'm not going to confuse the little fellow, as I expect his future owner to want to change his name anyways) peed in the bathtub.


No, I'm serious. He got his first bath yesterday, and today I left the bathroom door open (I usually don't, but the garbage can in there was empty, so I figured 'why not?'). He just walked into the bathroom, hopped in the tub, peed, and walked back out. I wasn't sure whether I should scold him for peeing inside or praise him for doing it in the most convenient possible place! (I chose to unenthusiastically praise him, seemed like a good compromise, and then of course I cleaned the tub.)

I only wish I knew WHY he chose to pee there. Was it a coincidence or will he do it again? Ah, the adventures of fostering!

Much love,
Kayla, Lana, and Banjo

P.S. Banjo has a meet and greet tomorrow with a potential adopter! Wish him luck!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Good God! Who's manning the internet?!

Today's quote from character Stan Smith at a SciFi convention
This quote is awesome for three reasons: 1) it just is, 2) I'm a Smith!!, 3) I'm a convention fan. 'nuff said.

Sometimes, I wonder what I would think if I ran across this blog as someone other than myself. Play along here, I know I may be hard to follow. Odds are, I would think 'why the heck does this girl think I care about what she has to say?'. Honestly, I don't expect anyone to care what I have to say. I don't expect most people who stumble across this blog to have done it on purpose. Mostly, this blog is for me, just to practice writing, because I believe it is important to make writing a habit. However, once in a while, I find myself hoping I can influence someone else's thoughts. Call it the rhetor in me. So, if you do actually find this blog interesting or entertaining, or just better than a poke in the eye, bless your heart. =)

I value other people's opinions. If by chance you are interested in my blog, first off, thank you, secondly, talk to me! Keep me busy! As I said before, I fully expect every view on this blog to be chance, but one day, I'd love for that to change.

Moving on!

School stuff: I am working on a project analyzing gender differences in disclosure on the Internet. I will be lurking, yes, lurking, on forums intended for teens and children, and looking to see which gender is more likely to say things like their names, ages, home countries, etc. I don't expect this to interest you. I love, and have always loved, forums. And my nerdiness about psychology and language make this the perfect project for me. So, if by chance, you are interested as well, I will share the results in the next couple of weeks. Assuming I don't get arrested as a suspect for pedophilia.

Entertainment: I am pretty excited about several movies coming out soon. The first one I'll talk about is The Raven. To me, it looks like it will kind of follow the recent Sherlock Holmes craze, so I'm betting if you liked that (plus a little more terror and a little less comedy), you will like The Raven. I have always loved Cusack, and I have loved Poe since, I don't even know... Forever, I guess. (I think it started with my Emo-ish phase in high school.) The combination of horror, mystery, and just plain macabre sounds perfect! Hopefully I'll be able to check it out when it is released and maybe even give a review. (I'll be a little short on cash, but for some reason that just makes me want to spend more than ever!)

If you want to see the preview, check it out below!

As much as I'd love to continue on and on about life, I'm afraid I should go. I have exams and projects this week and next. One more push until I get to my tiny two week break, then 6 tough weeks of class, then vacation! Wish me luck!!

Kayla and Lana (and hopefully soon a new foster, if my rescue friends will RESPOND TO MY FACEBOOK MESSAGES!!!)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rest assured, I was on the Internet within minutes, registering my disgust throughout the world.

"Last night’s 'Itchy and Scratchy Show' was, without a doubt, the worst episode *ever.* Rest assured, I was on the Internet within minutes, registering my disgust throughout the world. "

I do have to register my disgust about something. Sundrop commercials. On the blog, I hope to include many great commercials, and many horrible ones. This one is bad enough to be 'honored' as the first I shall mention.

Seriously, name one person who has watched a Sundrop commercial and then wanted to drink Sundrop. Just one, that's all I ask.

If you haven't seen it, don't worry, I included it above. Nothing about really lame white people dancing like that, shaking their butts like they're full of rocks, makes me want to buy that product. I don't want to look like that! I'm already a lame, white person, I don't need any extra help... Also, the liquid looks neon. There is no way that looks potable. I feel like it would completely dissolve your insides. I'll admit I've never tried it, and I apologize if you are offended or if you find Sundrop to be a tasty concoction, but I just can't. I eat enough junk as it is (just binged on cheese flavored chips and milano cookies), and I don't need glowing, radioactive sludge in my diet.

All I can think of is the Slurm Factory in Futurama