Sunday, February 12, 2012

Here's another curse for you - may all your bacon burn.

One of my favorite anime movies, Howl's Moving Castle

Why this movie? I've been seeing commercials for the new Studio Ghibli film lately. I can't decide how I feel about it, but I know I love several of the others. Including Howl's Moving Castle.

I was just thinking today, I hear all the time "when was the last time you did something for yourself?" (not to me, but on TV and the internet and whatnot), and I realized that's not the right question. The right question is "when's the last time you DIDN'T do something for yourself?". Maybe it's because I'm surrounded by young people, or maybe it's the socioeconomic class of the typical American college student, but I rarely see people do things for others.

Now if you're going into the debate of whether or not altruism exists, I can't help you. Psychologically speaking, it's just a matter of what you believe. Technically, you will feel good if you do something good, which makes the action not entirely selfless, but really who cares? I have no problem if you feel good about yourself if you do something good. It's feeling good about yourself when you've done nothing to deserve it that's the problem.

**End rant... new subject: Futurama is on!!! Come to think of it, 1) I may have seen every episode anyways, 2) I have a ton of homework to do. I'm actually getting pretty bummed. I have been way too busy this semester. I haven't had a chance to go horseback riding and I haven't had time to volunteer. I fully intend to leave my second job after this summer, but that's several months away.  =(

Next year is going to be just as bad though. I will have one less job, but I intend to join a research lab with one of my professors (apparently I can't get into graduate school without research experience). I seriously just hope I have time for my first job while in grad school. I don't intend to leave that job any time soon.

Somebody teach me how to manage my time!! (I'm betting step 1 is to stop writing on my blog...)

Much love,
Kayla, Lana, and Link (who is doing GREAT after is heartworm injections!!)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One thing leads to the next thing. Right now this is the thing.

Quote from David Barker's Daylight. I give it a thumbs up.

Tonight I wanted to watch a movie, but knew I had to get to bed somewhat early because I have to wake up for the opening shift at work tomorrow. I was torn between "Brick" and "Noriko's Dinner Table", but decided on "Noriko's Dinner Table". About 10 minutes through, I realized it was 2 1/2 hours long , and stopped (I didn't look before, because who the heck expects a movie to be that long?!). Unfortunately, turns out "Brick" is pretty long as well. So what did I do? I went through my Netflix queue to find the shortest movie. It was one called "Daylight". I had never heard of it, but for whatever reason it had caught my interest. Let me say, despite the pretty low ratings on Netflix and IMDb, I really liked it. It wasn't like, the best movie ever, but I still enjoyed it.

I also just wanted to say, the most recent review of it on Netflix makes me sad. The user rated the movie 1 star because (s)he didn't understand it. I personally enjoy a movie that doesn't shove the message in my face, but I'm also intelligent enough to come to my own conclusions, so I suppose I have an advantage over that person, whomever they may be. I would also like to point out, if you're bitching about not understanding a movie, you can't call the movie "completely retarded". It's like the pot calling the kettle black. And if you're offended by that, let me remind you (s)he said it, I just said "right back at you".

ANYWAYS, the point of this post was 1) to catch up since I got lazy recently, 2) to let you know I enjoyed this little known (I asssume) movie, 3) to make fun of the idiot who didn't know he was an idiot, and 4) to remind you that taste is subjective, and if you keep your mind open you may find you like something you didn't expect.

Kayla and Lana (Link is out of town until later this week, he just got treated for heart worms!)

PS. One of the actors was pretty cute. Not a good reason to watch a movie, but it automatically makes it better. That's why I assume the reviewer was a guy. A girl would have at least rated 2 stars for the handsome fellow(s). 

PPS. I don't know if 'heart worms' is one word or two. I usually cheat a say "HW", but I didn't feel like it this time, so I took a risk. (whoo?)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

None shall pass!

Of all foes, few are tougher than the Black Knight and the Vacuum Cleaner of Doom

For Lana, the dreaded moment had come. I had finally grown sick of sitting on a virtual cloud of dog hair.

The vacuum had been lurking in the corner of my apartment for days. I had asked my boyfriend if I could borrow it, but had been too lazy to use it. Until tonight.

I unraveled the snake-like cord, preparing to free the electric beast. As I plugged the dog-eating machine into the wall, the click of an electric shock could be heard above a distant muffled scream and far off sirens. I'm sure to her ears it was deafening. The machine lurched forward, tilted back, and with the push of a blood red button, began to suck with the unadulterated power of a black hole. This was it. Surely this time would be the time she could not escape sure death-by-vacuum. After seeing pounds of hair (which she assumed must have been former pets) previously thrown into the garbage, she knew she was next in line.

Eyes wide, she swiftly leapt backwards. Link was already hiding behind the coffee table - lucky bastard got a head start. The frightful roar of the vacuum drowned out Lana's desperate barks for help. She tried to bite the monster once or twice, but to no avail. It continued menacingly looming, casting her in its black shadow. All hope seemed lost. But for just a second, Lana forgot about her predicament. I could see the exact moment the thought entered her head. She glanced from the vacuum to a scrap of blue fabric, once part of a beloved toy, sitting helplessly in the path of destruction. Like a double-wide awaiting an F6 tornado. In a moment of unprecedented bravery, Lana sprinted directly into the path of the impending vacuum and pulled her toy to safety, risking life and limb. As she ran, tail between her legs, to the other side of the room, I saw her eyes shine with just a hint of pride. I knew if she died now, she'd die an honorable hound, I mean, hero.