Monday, January 30, 2012

One by one I'm going to make up for all my mistakes. I'm just trying to be a better person.

Quote courtesy of My Name Is Earl and this website

Wow, two posts in one day? Yes! (Two of my classes were cancelled, so I've celebrated by catching up on TV, junk food, and the blog.)

The entire point of this post is actually my way of trying to make the world a better place. Most people don't realize it's so easy to take small steps towards helping others. It's as easy as recycling rather than throwing things away. I'm not just talking about throwing stuff in the bin on your driveway-there are tons of ways to recycle or donate things you may not have considered before.

-If you are getting a significant amount of hair cut off (at least 8 inches), consider donating to one of the countless charities that vows to turn it into a wig for cancer patients. I've heard rumors that Locks of Love is a 'scam', but since I haven't done the research myself, I'll just tell you other charities of this type do exist like Pantene Beautiful Lengths and Wigs For Kids.

-"Friend" animal shelters and rescues near you on Facebook. In addition to being able to share photos of animals in need of homes (networking is a free, useful way to help charities), some rescues will advertise bake sales, ask for donated items, and, for example, the shelter where I got my foster dog Link asks for transport help just about every Saturday. These transports are necessary to save many animals and are generally broken up into several legs. It's entirely possible there will be a transport right along a route you planned to take anyways. If you are aware of the transport, are already going in that direction, and have room in your car, you have no excuse not to multitask. That's all it takes to save a life. *Or, if you can't find a local rescue in need, check out Freedom Train Transports to help in a nationwide organization dedicated to transporting animals.

-Donate time to any local charity. You can walk dogs at a shelter; take flattering pictures to help animals get adopted; spend time with children via Big Brothers Big Sisters; help build houses through Habitat for Humanity; volunteer at a school (this is probably best if you know a child in the school, lest you look like a pedophile); offer to create/maintain a website, blog, or Facebook account for a local charity-many volunteer run programs have little time for things like this, but in this day and age, online advertising and networking is an essential tool for businesses and charities alike; etc.

-Donate things you no longer need! Donate old clothes, toys, or furniture to you local Salvation Army; old clothing, (not old) food, or toys can be donated to your local homeless shelter; local animal rescues and shelters are usually in need of items like blankets, towels, food, treats, toys, beds, kitty litter, laundry detergent, bleach, dishes, etc.; donate school supplies to local schools; my parents even donated an old lawn mower to a local repair shop-the mechanic could use any parts he could salvage, and it was cheaper for us just to buy a new mower than repair ours anyways; etc.

-Carpool, walk, bike, or take public transit when possible. It's good for the Earth, your wallet, and likely your stress level (at least if you have as much road rage as I do).

-Stimulate your local economy by supporting small businesses when possible. For example I buy my dog food at a local pet store. The workers are knowledgeable and very nice and I trust their products (Petco and Petsmart don't even sell the same types of food). If I buy in bulk it costs the same as the lower quality foods sold in the franchises and I don't have to use the gas to drive to the store as often. (Besides, who wouldn't want to carry 40 lbs of dog food upstairs to their apartment? My legs get a great workout!)

-Donate blood or plasma. It's not as scary as it sounds, and it really does save lives. In addition you get you cholesterol level, blood pressure levels, and blood type checked (awesome!) and can often get free things like shirts and movie tickets.

-Donate bone marrow or stem cells. I've heard this one is more painful, but I've never done it so I don't know. If you're really daring you could even donate a kidney. Personally, I've already had two kidney infections - I think I need to keep both of mine because I never know when one could go on strike again. But that's just me.

-Put quarters in other people's meters-you never know, they could really need a pick-me-up. Unless of course you want to donate to the city, then let them get a ticket. Whatever pleases you. Optimism lets you look at both nice ways.

“There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn't matter who gets the credit.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I can't tell you how many people are involved with the dogs I've seen rescued. Between the people who take the pictures and network on Facebook, the ones who coordinate transport and veterinary care, the ones who actually transport the dogs, the people who donate the food and sponsor money, and the fosters who donate their homes, rescue is a collaborative effort. Each and every person donated something to the effort, and in return, at least one life was saved. Truly as communicative and charitable beings, we are capable of anything.

 Let's save the world - starting today,
Kayla, Lana, and Link

So what would you think of me now? So lucky, so strong, so proud...

A quote from one of my favorite songs (by Jimmy Eat World); one that always makes me think.

I have a challenge for you. This is something I've done several times, and it is as inspiring as anything else to get my life on track. Imagine you could go back into the past and find the you from childhood. Little you naturally asks all about your life. Would past you be excited about their future life; would younger you be proud of what you became? Sometimes it's so easy to forget what you once stood for, and it's easy to forget where you are going when you get lost in the moment. If childhood you would not be very impressed with current you, that should be a slap in the face. You are doing something wrong.

The only way to prevent regret over inactions when it's too late is to catch yourself before you miss opportunities.

So spend some time reflecting on your life progress. Heaven forbid, you could die tomorrow and I still think it wouldn't have been a waste of time.

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
-George Orwell


(Because I'm fairly young as it is, I have to go all the way back to childhood, but it's just as well since many people seem to believe children are 'pure and innocent'; sometimes however I think about a good friend who was killed many years ago. Either way, it gets me motivated to get myself back on track with my dreams.)

Friday, January 27, 2012

These shears, they do cut through bone, yes?

A wonderful quote from Dee, and a picture of everyone

I'm sitting here watching G4's Attack of the Show (YAY!!) and thinking about how to kill people. Not seriously of course, I just have to look serious enough to win without fighting. I got this.

You wanted to know why? Oh, you don't really care? Too bad! I'm telling you anyway.

Just over a month ago my car was broken into at my apartment. ON MY OWN TURF! That was enough for me. My car is my baby and I am horrified that some dumbass had the balls to break into my car. There. Will. Be. Blood. I may be a girl, but I NEVER lose a game of chicken. I am tougher than I look. Besides, I'm loon enough to believe if I can control a pack of 30 dogs at once or win a battle against a horse, I can take on some stupid punk kids. (The horse is fine, I would never hurt a horse.)

Just don't tell the cops if they ask if you saw this!

Aside from plotting a West Side Story style take down, this weekend will be spent catching up on homework. Normally, not a big deal, but I have a group project I have to finish by Sunday. I told my group I could easily analyze any reading but one so they responded like a minute later like "Great, you can do that one reading that you just said you never actually read. Have fun!". Of course, it was a little nicer than that, but still. The only one I said I didn't read well. Maybe if I hadn't said anything I'd have gotten a good one. Dang it!

This weekend will not be fun at all. But, if all goes well, I will catch up enough to start playing Xbox again or even read for fun! Oh the idea is so exciting. So, until then, work work work!

I don't know what show this is, but I don't care. That's EXACTLY what I look like.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

If you want friends, don't use words like conundrum

Another Simpsons quote? Why not! It's my favorite!
 "Don't use words like conundrum."

*Thinks back to previous post*

Crap! Clearly that's my problem! I'm sure it has nothing to do with leading a busy life and constantly smelling like dogs (as well as being covered in fur), it's because I used that darned awful word. >.<*
Thank you, Bart. I only wish I'd seen the most recent episode sooner!

Speaking of episodes, I just want to share with you guys, that I FINALLY felt smart the other day. Why? Because I caught not one, but TWO errors in the show The Big Bang Theory. (Just for the record, apparently I've really started to like that show. I don't know why, considering I used to hate it, it was just on all the time, and one thing led to another...) Anywho, luckily as a psychology student/dog trainer there are a few things I know about reinforcement/operant conditioning the writers of the show do not know! Woot!

Listen closely and you too shall know the secrets of Skinner. (B.F., not Principal.)

B.F. Skinner after 'Animagus Transfiguration'
 There are two types of reinforcement as well as punishment. Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement are both good things. Ergo, negative reinforcement IS NOT punishment. Negative reinforcement is rewarding someone by taking away something negative (like homework or chores or veggies). I'm sure you are aware positive reinforcement is giving something positive (like 'peas and carrots' JellyBeans), and punishment is well, discipline. Positive reinforcement is the MOST effective of all of these methods. (You know the old cliché, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar-I don't know if it's true, I've only had experience with fly paper, but that sure as Hell works.)

So, until I watch the Big Bang Theory again and practically drown in confusion like I do in nearly every other episode, I will enjoy feeling like an edumacated college student. And they said a degree in psychology would be useless...

Honestly? It's way past bedtime and I got tired of looking at screenshots of The Big Bang Theory, so I settled. Problem?

Nighty-night, and for your sake I hope you're not the first person I see tomorrow morning,
Kayla, Lana, and Link

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Me fail English? That’s unpossible!

Taken from here. I love the Simpsons. English class is just so-so.

Why is this today's quote? Because I'm skipping class. Once again, the youth of America is rebellious and lazy. But not really, I'm sick. Or the weather is killing my sinuses. I'm not sure which to be honest, but I skipped one class last night and two today (I still went to work though). I've felt icky for a few days (icky being the technical term for 'sneezy, coughy, headachey, dizzy symptoms').

There is a bright side though. I may feel unpleasant, but Link is feeling better. He is getting better about taking his pills and his wound seems to be healing pretty nicely. It still looks icky (see definition two-'open wound, possibly bleeding or emitting ick'; ick-'blood, puss, or other substances better left inside the body').

Link and Lana came with me to doggie daycare today where they got to play with the dog my boss is fostering as well as most of our customer's dogs. They are now dead tired (but not dead). In fact Link fell off the couch right onto Lana. It's a darn good thing she's got a soft spot for the little fellow or she'd have kicked his butt. They actually go together like, well, peas and carrots.

Where can I buy this?!
I almost used a cute tattoo of a pea pod and a carrot holding hands, until I saw this. This looks delicious! In case that's too small for you to read, it's orange sherbet (ʃɜ:ʳbɪt in IPA or "sure-bit" in my lazy way of explaining pronunciations)* and green apple flavored. What an awesome idea!! By the way, you can find the source of this picture and some other really nifty stuff here.

*My dad insists it's sher-bet with no invisible 'r'. He would have been unhappy if I didn't take a moment to bring it up while we were on the subject.

Oh snap! I just read that link and it looks like this flavor will be released next month! Keep your eyes peeled friends!

Oh dear, it seems I've gotten myself off track. I suppose that's just as well, I have a test tomorrow and I really ought to study, I just felt silly for slacking on the blog yesterday. Part of my New Year's Resolution was to write, draw, or exercise every day, and this blog was the easy way out. I'll make another post about New Year's Resolutions at some point, when I don't have a test lurking in the near future. (Like when I graduate?)

I will leave you on the best note possible, not some ramblings about my first world problems. So, without further ado, here you go!

We can dance if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don't dance
And if they don't dance
Well they're no friends of mine

Dance if you want to,
Kayla, Lana, and Link

P.S.-I could have gone JLo, Usher, or *God forbid* Lady Gaga, but I figured you just can't beat Men Without Hats.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cie-food. Cute.

Fun fact: I'm insanely excited about Final Fantasy XIII-2

I haven't finished the first FF XIII yet. It's not entirely my fault! I just got it for Christmas (I didn't own an Xbox until then), and I've been loaded with school work. And so far this weekend I am not focusing on school at all. However, I think after this week there should be less homework, which is excellent. I can steal my Xbox back from the bf and finish the game, just before the new one comes out at the end of this month! True, I still haven't finished FF X on my PS2, but that's okay. Now I'm sucked into this plot. I mean, I don't love every single character, at least not yet, but I like most of them, and I'm not gonna lie, I think Serah would be a good first cosplay. (It's not that weird of an outfit, which is great since I can barely sew toys Lana rips.) From what I can see of Lightning's outfit in FF XIII-2, I'll want to dress like that too. =P  Yes, I'm lame, but what's not to love? I love anime and video games, and I love fashion-from steampunk to couture. Cosplay just seems like the next logical step. Just as soon as I get the confidence to dress like that in public...

Actually my ambitious cosplay plans are the reason I joined the amazing workout website Fitocracy. It's kind of like a game. You earn points based on your workouts and you can complete quests, which are usually groups of exercises you have to do all at once. Quests get you extra points. Other people on the site are super supportive and there are little communities of people who like dogs, cosplayers, anime lovers, etc. It's a great site for motivation and support. It makes it just a little more fun to work out. Fitocracy gets a high recommendation from me.

See, a HIGH recommendation. That's why it's TWO thumbs up.

Much love and happy gaming,
Kayla, Lana, and Link

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Exhibit A: A photograph of the victims, my bike and me.

The victims/stars of Pee-Wee's Big Adventure

Now this may shock you, but I'm at work right now. Blogging at work. The youth of America are lazy and rebellious.

  But I can say two things about blogging at work. The first, in my defense, there are NO customers right now (and I really hope it stays that way, I planned to read about Aristotle and Rhetoric today - no, absolutely not for fun). The second, I may not do this again. You see, I have what I have deemed the "piece of crap computer" at work. After way more than "just a few seconds" as google had falsely promised me, I installed the google chrome frame so I could work on this little blog. Every time I log on, I see an error with a bunch of computer mumbo-jumbo followed by the ominous warning: "expect more errors". It's absolutely right, I have been trained to expect the same error over and over again, since I have officially seen in 61,216,813 times today. I will not lie, the computer owns pwns me.

Anyways, as I am sitting here at work, I am awaiting the arrival of a girl who will angrily stomp in demanding we take her boyfriend off their lease because he isn't paying his share of the rent. Not because this happens all the time, but because, as the only Saturday employee (lucky me), I was left a warning note. I hope this warning isn't as serious as the internet one. The note I found on my desk this morning says to call my boss as soon as this girl comes in. "We will explain". That doesn't sound good to me. What is there to explain? There's nothing I can really do to help this girl, but maybe, just maybe I can help you. Please heed my warning, if you move in with someone you don't trust from the bottom of your heart, "expect more errors".

I have little experience living with others. One year in a dorm taught me. My "vegan" roommate stole more of my food than I ate. Unless of course, there really were people breaking into our room taking the food from under my bed. I don't buy it. Now I see this couple, younger than my boyfriend and I (who do not live together, but literally live next door to each other and have keys to each other's apartments-it's different, I swear!), who are having problems paying the bills.

I have come to the conclusion that if you do not completely trust someone, or already share all of your assets, you should not move in with them. They will steal from you. Whether it's poptarts or half the monthly rent, your roommate is highly likely to be a thief. Trust me and listen to my warning, friends. I am a leasing agent. This is what I do. But I do not take people off of leases without their legal permission. Sorry.

Trust me, this is what I do. (Enthusiastically)

Much love,
Kayla, Lana, and Link

P.s. Lana and Link steal from me all the time. Food, toys, receipts, pretty much anything they can get their little paws on. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Jesus, he's like a gremlin. Comes with instructions and shit.

Today's title-quote courtesy of The Hangover

This foster has had quite a rocky start. Don't get me wrong, he's adorable, super sweet, and he and my dog actually get along! (She can be territorial, so I was a little concerned.)

I was getting ready for class yesterday when my boss told me our fosters had arrived (she's taking care of a shy Blue Heeler mix she calls Denver, and mine looks like a slightly larger black American Eskimo Dog). She said they were both sweet but that mine had opened his stitches where he was VERY recently neutered and had caused an infection.

My boyfriend and I ran him to the vet that afternoon and they instructed us to wash... you know... it every day and give him pills twice a day. Great! I've never even owned a male dog before, and now I have to pay special attention to... blech. Plus, this little booger does NOT enjoy taking pills. It took us half an hour yesterday to shove his antibiotic down his throat. (Apparently, he's too good for peanut butter and baby food.)

Photo taken from this site

He has to wear a huge cone on his head. The problem is he likes to be right under your feet; I swear I'm going to have cone shaped bruises from all the times he has rammed into me. The cone also confused the heck out of my dog. It took her until this morning to realize he was a real dog. At first she was avoiding him, but now she wants to play. I'm just glad she's gotten more gentle as she's matured. They were supposed to be closer to the same size, but he turned out smaller than expected.

This one's actually my picture, shocking, eh? Link at his finest!

I knew I was taking in a heartworm positive dog, but didn't expect an infection as well. Unfortunately I promised my boyfriend if this foster didn't go absolutely well, I wouldn't do it again, and so far, this is not going as well as planned. But you know, he's going to be so worth it. This little guy is something special; if I didn't already have Lana I'm sure I'd keep him. We have a lot to do while he's in my care - heartworm treatment, getting rid of his infection, and some much needed training. I don't know how I'm going to fit it all in, but I will.

Wish me luck,
Kayla, Lana, and Link

Friday, January 20, 2012

Don't you want to take a leap of faith?

A quote from one of my absolute favorite movies, Inception.

Subtle advertisement for Inception

I find this quote especially fitting today because I have officially taken a huge leap of faith. It is something I have wanted to do for a long time, but I do not have support from the people I love most. Conundrums like this are not easy to overcome. However, there are so many worse things than fostering a dog. I could be broke, pregnant, or tattooed, and I'm worried my mother will be upset that I'm helping to save a life. Yes, my apartment is small, but Lana and I will make room for another; as long as there is room in your heart, you know what you have to do.

The foster, who I've decided to call "Link" (from Zelda, of course), will only be with me for about a month while he goes through heartworm treatment. After that, he will be transported up to Brooklyn to find a nice, Northern family. I haven't even met him yet and I know it's going to break my heart to give him away, but so far, I'm really happy with my decision. In fact, as I was writing this article, my boss called to let me know our fosters would arrive this afternoon.

Link and his pretty horse - coughOcarinaOfTimeIsTheBestcough

I will meet Link after class, and I couldn't be more excited. Hormones are admittedly playing a role in this, but my eyes are watering and I swear my headache is gone (oh right, I took an aspirin). I bet Karma acted as a catalyst.

Much love,
Kayla and Lana (and soon to be Link)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

So It Begins

(In the voice of Theoden.)

There were two things I wanted to start this blog off on a good note:

1) A quote from an awesome song, movie, comic, person, whatever

2) A warning

So, here is my warning, and I will only say it once, so listen well!

I am an English major, not a dictionary. I will make mistakes, some of which I will not fix. I may complain about other people's grammar while mine is utterly flawed. That makes me human. (Well, biology makes me human, but let's not dwell on the little things.) If you see a mistake, good for you. If you tell me, great - take a virtual cookie! Otherwise, read and if you can, enjoy.

Much love,
Knee Deep In Dogs